Urine Leakage during Pregnancy + urine blood truc'

דיון מתוך פורום  צניחת רחם, דליפת שתן ובעיות בתחום האורוגינקולוגיה

02/05/2010 | 14:32 | מאת: Michal

Hello, I am only 20 weeks pregnant and due the allergies that I am HAVING FOR THE LAST 3 MONTH I am sneezing a lot , and sometimes during sneezing I am having a urine leak.... I would like to mention that this is my second pregnancy I am only 30 years old and I used to have the same problem just on the last month of my first pregnancy. On top of that during every urine test that My doctor taking from me (every 3-4 weeks for the last 5 month) I am having blood trucks, I Was check by urology in order to check if cancer can be the reason or bladder stones,or urine infection but it was negative. my question is- IS does symptoms of urine leak + urine blood trucks need special attention I Willi confuse ! please advice if there is any connection between those symptoms .

06/05/2010 | 14:29 | מאת: ד"ר קונדריאה

stress urinary incontinence during pregnancy is frequent/ physiotherapy of the pelvic floor will help/ about blood trace in the urine , as you said it was investigated and no abnormality was found/ follow it up after you deliver/ BR

14/05/2010 | 16:10 | מאת: Michal

thank you for your answerer,I would like to add something on top of what I mention already my urine just been check again and now they found a protein truck on top of the blood trucks I am Willi concern I am having small amount of trace from each, To mention my blood pressure is normal, my doctor told me that I don't need to be worried and i will see him just in about 3.5 weeks. do you thing i need to check my kidneys??? ,

מנהל פורום צניחת רחם, דליפת שתן ובעיות בתחום האורוגינקולוגיה