Dr. Rimer PLS Help me!

דיון מתוך פורום  ראומטולוגיה

11/11/2009 | 19:44 | מאת: Yolanda

Hello Dr Rimer! I am 31, for the last 6 years have gone through numerous tests AND been to many specialists. I�ve had MRI�s, CT�s, Blood work, Ultrasounds, Sonograms, EKG, echocardiogram, x-rays etc... All the test come back normal however the symptoms persist AND now for the last 8 months I've had bi-lateral swelling of the legs as a constant condition added to the others I have listed below. The swelling never goes away, somedays are just worst than others. I'm exhausted AND frustrated in that we have not been able to find out what's causing my symptoms. The pain is unbearable AND I do not know where else to turn. I'm hoping that someone here AND offer suggestions. Thank you. These are the symptoms I deal with daily: Fainting occasionally, become pale, lips blue Sensitivity to cold � turn bluish hands AND feet Racing heartbeat occasionally Lightheadedness Fatigue Common colds develop into something more AND lasts for weeks Chronic Sinusitis AND persistent coughing Headaches/Migraines � daily, not sure what�s it like not to have one anymore. Joint pains � neck, back, knees, ankles, jaw pain, wrists, hip, etc.. Right flank pain comes AND goes, sharp pain Irregular bowel movements Irregular menstrual cycles Severe Itching of the legs Sharp chest pain over left side, occasionally IBS Bilateral swelling of my legs from above knees, downward � every day since 9/2005 Swelling is not relieved by elevation Legs, ankles AND feet tender to touch, hurts to walk Muscle soreness AND muscle spasms AND cramps Numbness/tingling in arms � during the night Trembling of hands every once in a while Borderline Hypoglycimic Difficulty Sleeping I have been seen by a Cardiologist AND Urologist which have cleared both my heart AND kidneys. I have also had a few ultrasounds/sonograms of my legs that were clear for any blood clots. I have also been to chiropractors, physical therapists, accpuncturist, oral surgeon, orthopedic AND a neurologist. Any tests that they have completed comes back normal. None of the medications that they have provided seem to help. My primary AND I are at a loss in the direction that I should take from here. I do have one last blood work test that they were going to check my thyroids that I should have the results tomorrow. My previous blood work didn't show any abnormalities. Any information you may have will be greatly appreciated. Because right now I'm at a dead-end Pls Help me Waiting for you answer

לקריאה נוספת והעמקה

indeed a complicated case but byond the scope of this forum

מנהלי פורום ראומטולוגיה